Mushroom Grow Kit Instructions

1) Find a clean surface in your home that is out of direct sunlight. A kitchen counter works well, avoid areas near doors that open and close frequently and make sure the spot is easy to access multiple times a day. You want to be able to keep an eye on your kit to make sure it doesn’t dry out, and to watch the mushrooms grow!

2) Open one side of box, and cut a 2-3 inch "X" into the plastic bag (use a clean knife or razor) on that side of the block. You can remove your block from the box, or keep it in the box (remove excess cardboard from box on the side the you have cut)

3) Mist the "X" 5-7 times daily with fresh water (use a regular spray bottle). You want to keep humidity levels high on the cut, this humidity and fresh air will trigger the mushrooms to begin growing.

4) Keep misting, and mushroom “pins” should show in 2-5 days. If pins have not shown after 5 days, mist your block more frequently (make sure to clean standing water at the base of the block).

5) Continue misting as needed to keep mushrooms wet (3-7 times daily). Once pins form, mushrooms grow quickly and will begin to double in size daily. Harvest 5-8 days after pins form, or when mushroom caps begin to flip upwards.

6) Harvest by firmly gripping the cluster of mushrooms and pull away from the block, twisting slightly. Enjoy mushrooms within 7-14 days, store in the fridge in a paper bag for longest shelf life.

7) Let your block rest for 5-7 days, and start the process over again to grow more mushrooms by misting the same spot you harvested from, or by taping that up and cutting a new X on the other side of the bag. Blocks will grow 2-3 “flushes” of mushrooms. Compost your block when you are finished, or bury it in your garden and grow mushrooms outside!

We hope you enjoy growing your own mushrooms as much as we do, if you have any questions please reach out to, we are here to help!


Mushroom Pad Thai